All On Four Dental Implants Versus Traditional Implant Techniques

All on Four Dental Implants versus Traditional Implant Techniques


Jack De Richards

In 1993, European implantologist Dr. Paulo Malo was responsible for the innovation of a dental implant protocol that was to surpass traditional implant techniques in the benefits and advantages it afforded both patients and oral surgeons. All on Four dental implants, as they are aptly referred to, not only enable edentulous (not having a single original adult tooth left) and near-edentulous patients to receive a complete set of new and non-removable teeth in as little as a single day, but they do so with minimal recovery time and at a much reduced cost to traditional implant techniques.

A Closer Look at All on Four Dental Implants

During the procedure for the placement of All on Four dental implants, oral surgeons insert two tiny titanium screws into the front portion of the jaw and another two at an angle in the back portion of the jaw, avoiding vital structures like the sinus cavities in the upper jaw and the nerve canal in the lower jaw. Together these four implants provide all the support necessary for a prosthetic dental bridge that has been custom fabricated to fit inside the patient s mouth comfortably. With All on Four dental implants almost never requiring bone grafting surgery beforehand, the entire procedure can readily be completed in a single day, effectively providing patients with a comprehensive one-time solution.

All on Four Dental Implants and Traditional Implant Techniques


So, how do All on Four dental implants compare with traditional dental implant techniques? Well, when it comes to the need for oral rehabilitation (in other words, the treatment of patients that require a new set of teeth) there is no comparison really! And here s why:

All on Four Dental Implants almost always enable oral surgeons to bypass bone grafting surgery, which not only takes several months for healing before implants can be placed, but is an expensive and painful procedure too.

Traditional dental implant techniques frequently call for as many as 20 implants for complete oral rehabilitation. If you consider that each implant and crown costs in the region of $3,500 to $4,000, getting a new set of teeth can work out to be extremely expensive! All on Four dental implants, as the name suggests, only requires four implants per jaw and eight in total for a complete set of new, non-removable and immediately functional teeth.

All on Four dental implants only requires a single surgery for placement. Traditional implant protocol can require several surgeries in addition to bone grafting, which creates a very long road to oral rehabilitation.

Without the need for so many dental implants, multiple surgeries, bone grafting, consultations and recovery periods, not to mention the equivalent time off from work, All on Four dental implants work out to be far more economical than bone grafting (i.e. sinus lifts ) and traditional placement techniques! In fact, patients can often save as much as $15,000-$20,000 or more on complete oral rehabilitation with this innovative tooth replacement protocol!

All on Four dental implants incur a shorter recovery period, with patients often returning to work the very day after the procedure! With traditional placement protocol being more invasive and with more implants necessary, patients frequently spend more time in recovery, coping with greater post-operative pain and discomfort.

For all these reasons and more, All on Four dental implants have proven themselves to be a far superior choice for patients requiring a second chance at having a beautiful and healthy smile!

Jack De Richards the author of this article is a working at a renowned

dental implants

center specializing in

All on four dental implants

. His clinic offers All on four New Jersey by renowned Oral Surgeons.

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